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UI for the Future
By hugemouthseo | |
Now that you have chosen to learn the fundamentals, here are the basics of design in details. Make sure you understand the requirements in each one of them before engaging in more sophisticated design levels. Once you master them well, you can creatively use them to come up with any designs in the future. Colour affects the mood in a design. How you use different colours in your designs gives an impression of the mood in your work.
Properties of Design
By hugemouthseo | |
Design is a critical subject that has continued to evolve over the years. Anyone who wants to learn the basics of design holistically should get started with the critical elements before building on that necessary foundation to become an expert. If you want to be a professional, starting off with the basics of design is vital. The fundamental basics of design include line, scale, color, texture, shape, value, and space.
Growth of Margin
By hugemouthseo | |
Mauris ullamcorper pulvinar erat at egestas. Maecenas hendrerit quis nisl a auctor. Phasellus lorem velit, hendrerit volutpat purus quis, lacinia venenatis arcu. Ut non tortor tortor. Donec semper, risus vel eleifend hendrerit, elit lectus volutpat mi, vel congue dui nisl nec neque. Cras finibus diam ac ornare egestas.
Future of Vector
By hugemouthseo | |
Vector graphics, as a form of computer graphics, is the set of mechanisms for creating visual images directly from geometric shapes defined on a Cartesian plane, such as points, lines, curves, and polygons. These mechanisms may include vector display and printing hardware, vector data models and file formats, and software based on these data models.

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